Tuesday, October 18, 2011

day 86

whisper those words
don't leave me sleeping
cause I am awake
but you kept me

It's five past twelve in the morning
and I've yet to wake this slumber
you are lovely, darlin

Songbirds whispered me awake
They wished me a good morning
painted a pretty pink lipstick on
and asked my heart out on a date
I said
NO WAY dude

Because heck
you are who I wish for rainy days
and gray clouds
and any excuse to keep you inside with me
This house is a home now.

I'll play wife and you can take out the trash
There are dishes to be washed
and used as flying saucers
It is an electric blue frisbee summer
in the middle of Autumn
I am comfortable being lost in your scent
but you will learn to love my confusions.
I am sitting
five thousand miles away
in a quiet suburban attic
The walls are painted with hummingbirds
and there are scrapbooks that reek of
sweet honey nectar
This is where I bend my neck forward
for a kiss or two
leave the X's behind.


Before I forget

I am dreaming of a baseball field
It is starting to rain
and we are surrounded by metal fences
This is a meadow full of baby songbirds
who sing of seventh grade crushes
It's been about 5 years
you have crazy hair now
and I'm attached to the length
It's been awhile
I wear pretty pink lipstick
and you ask me on dates

This meadow is reserved for an electric blue frisbee summer.
I'm not afraid of spiders
and leaky faucets.

This house is a home now, love.

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