Wednesday, November 2, 2011

day 101

There are more than 101 reasons to feel the way I feel today.

I am still afraid of change.
Subtle differences
from red orange to teal blue,
the thought of inconsistency
never fails to make me tremble.
But change plays
jingle jangles
along treble clef dreams.
Do not be afraid to
look down steep cliffs,
hang around a little.

The frost on my morning windshield
reminds me that the cold
will always linger.
Sunny snow days exist
even when thermometers
read below zero.
You can feel like a nobody,
think that your existence
reaches out to the thoughts
of zero souls,
but you are beautiful.
A heart warm enough
to pierce with eyes of hope.
This is why dreams exist.
For lost souls
that feel cold on the most
beautiful days.
It happens,
but your heart will guide you
to fireplaces without matches.
You possess all the warmth
you'll ever need.

On days like this,
I allow myself to feel tired.
I am overwhelmed,
drowning in words I should
write down.
Ink takes awhile to settle,
but so does belief.
Finding your soul
is the most beautiful
dream to dream.

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