Wednesday, March 7, 2012

day 228

there is something wrong
with our people.
lovers with problems
and problems with company.
this is known as
a bad vibe
sing me something dead
i am deaf,
reading your braille hips
with soothing lips
how are you sleeping tonight

how are your dreams

chase them
like the girl you loved tonight
finally met tonight
after three weeks of hellos
and good jobs
chase her
do a good job
dont screw this up

dont screw this up
they say
so you destroy this potential domination
and the first thing we do
is blame it on surroundings
the air is bad over here
i cant breathe over here
too much wrong over here
not enough right
not enough blessings
i have five senses
twenty different ways to use them
you have twenty different ways of loving someone

i smell like her love tonight
i taste the love on her lips
see how beautiful her love makes me
tonight we are touching
and the neighbors are listening

they have one way of loving twenty people
five senses of wrong
dont screw this up
blow good jobs until these vibes are blown up
feel the explosion
almost like a lovers first kiss
the kiss where you realize
i kissed them
who kissed him
who kissed her
and death kissed you
how are you sleeping tonight

how are your dreams

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