Saturday, March 10, 2012

day 231

I went for a run with my beloved today.

 Quickly realizing how much I love him
 and how much I have loved him
 for the past five years.
 Found myself half asleep last night, saying
 I've always had a crush on you.
 Even though I knew you've always liked me,
 and I refused to give you a chance.

 Days looking up like
 running tip toe up steep hills
 I still hold his hand down big valleys
 hope to not fall too deep, but

there is really nothing to fear.
Only growing to fear the length of
distance between us.
There is only a limited amount of love
we can speak
from now on.
I hope to never forget about feeling this way.
At  peace
while thinking of the chaos we've created
in my sanctuary. I am alone tonight
but more of a missing persons case
than feeling lonely.
You're the shit

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