Wednesday, March 28, 2012

day 249

#481 Over 50 percent of your body heat is lost through your neck and head.

I am gently holding on to all the warmth I’ll ever need with my bare fingertips.
A love lost can force me to lose my sanity, but never my sincerity. Leave me wandering in haunted Artic caves. I can make a home out of anywhere.

#13 Cats have over 100 vocal chords.

I find no problem in expressing who the fuck I am. To the girl who often leaves to get lost, you have a song cry for every crime you could commit. Sing freely. You will find your voice when you free the flying burdens in your bird cage.

#77 No piece of paper can be folded more then 7 times.

This is the 7th year anniversary of my rape.

I’ve grown a big ego holding such a secret from people who don’t care. Sound proof basements replay the 100 vocal chords of freedom I should have sung too many times. You will never be able to own me, to fold me in books of women you have won. I will never be someone’s origami crane.

#192 Jupiter spins so fast that there is a new sunrise nearly every ten hours.

My mother calls me Mars. I believe she wants me to grow into something more colossal. But I am a new planet every day. I create song bird harmonies with every 9 lives I lose. This is not called rebirth. It is more like being alive, living, and letting the warmth heat up the sun. I am Light. You are bonfire origami cranes during the 7th month of the year. I have made a home out of this ash.

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