Sunday, July 24, 2011

To Nathan

I never cry myself to sleep.
Or maybe, sometimes I just try to forget that I do
Because crying makes me tired
But being tired makes me fall asleep
So off I snooze

And I am wandering
My dream land isn’t so dreamy,
More rather dreary
With grays and browns and fogs and
Nothing really exciting as I portray myself to be

My phone is more popular than I am
Receives more rings than I ever will
And whenever someone calls for me
It’s 6:27AM. My alarm.

As I’m drifted off to sleep
My phone rang
I usually ignore it because I don’t want to talk to the Grim Reaper
But it was You.

You put the N where the center of my name goes
Completing my identity and making me whole.

I’ve never written about my heroes before
Because I fear that I’d lack the right words
But you’ve taught me to never be afraid.

To never dismiss death as a weakness
But rather a strength
Because the day I let my past wilt,
was the best I’ve ever felt.

The ashes slip through my fingers
But they buried themselves deep into the mud

Eventually your smile brought the sun out again
Dried up the mud, and sprouted some flowers

The gray and brown clouded dreams are gone,
But don’t ever be afraid of letting go.
The flowers of this friendship are what keeps me alive.

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